整理 arrange; put in order; reorganize; sort out; straighten out; tidy; trim 整理财政 regulate finances; 整理参考资料 sort out the reference materials; 整理行装 pack one’s things for a journey; 整理房间 put a room in order; tidy (up) the room; 整理文化遗产 sort out and select from our cultural heritage; 整理化石 dress fossils
帐户 account 非贸易帐户 noncommercial account; 往来帐户 book account; 在银行开立帐户 open an account with a bank; 帐户分类 account classification; 帐户号码 account number; 帐户结余 account balance; 帐户名称 account title; 帐户年度 account year