If you’ve spent a significant amount of time working with Docker on macOS, there’s a chance you might have encountered the error “Error load metadata for docker.io” when building your Docker images. This error often pertains to issues related to image downloading and can be particularly linked to authentication problems. This can occur, for example, after you’ve reinstalled the Docker application on your system.
如果您花费了大量时间在 macOS 上使用 Docker,那么在构建 Docker 映像时,您可能会遇到“错误加载 docker.io 元数据”错误。此错误通常与图像下载相关的问题有关,尤其可能与身份验证问题相关。例如,在系统上重新安装 Docker 应用程序后,可能会发生这种情况。

The Solution 解决方案

To fix this problem, all you need to do is run a couple of commands in your terminal.

  1. Remove the Docker configuration file:
    删除 Docker 配置文件:
rm ~/.docker/config.json

This command removes the Docker configuration file, which contains authentication details for the Docker registry.
此命令删除 Docker 配置文件,其中包含 Docker 注册表的身份验证详细信息。

2. Remove the Docker cache

sudo rm -rf ~/.docker/buildx

By running the above command, you’re essentially clearing its cache.

3. Log out and log in to Docker

docker logout && docker login

The final step involves logging out and then logging back into Docker. This forces Docker to refresh your login credentials.
最后一步涉及注销然后重新登录 Docker。这会强制 Docker 刷新您的登录凭据。

Hope it helps! 希望能帮助到你!